Can You Workout After Donating Plasma?
Plasma Source » Plasma Donation FAQ » Can You Workout After Donating Plasma
When donating blood plasma or platelets, your health and wellness always come first.
While you can gradually return to your regular exercise routine, giving your body the time it needs to replenish the fluids and components it lost during the donation process is important.
Engaging in strenuous exercise shortly after donating plasma or platelets can put unnecessary stress on your body and potentially prolong your recovery.
Keep reading to discover answers to calorie-burning questions such as “Can you exercise after donating plasma,” and “What happens if you exercise after donating plasma?”
Effects of Plasma Donation on the Body
For most people, donating plasma or platelets does not cause any side effects. However, some may experience the following temporary symptoms resulting from lower protein, iron, and electrolyte levels:
- Fatigue and weakness
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Bruising or soreness
- Muscle cramps or spasms
- Dehydration
- Shortness of breath
- Cold sensitivity
Overall, blood plasma and platelet donation is generally safe and well-tolerated, with most side effects being short-term and manageable. If you have any concerns about donating plasma or platelets, consult your healthcare provider.
Guidelines for Recovery After Plasma Donation
Here are recovery guidelines and recommendations for exercising after blood plasma donation:
- Rest and rehydrate
When you donate plasma or platelets at PlasmaSource, we encourage you to rest at our center for at least 15 minutes and enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages. This allows your body to recover from the immediate effects of donation. - Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise
Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours to allow your body to adjust to the temporary decrease in blood volume. This also lowers your risk of dizziness for fainting. - Listen to your body
Waiting 24 hours is only a guideline. If you experience fatigue, dizziness, or discomfort, take it easy and avoid intense exercise until you feel fully recovered.
How long after donating plasma can I exercise?
It won’t be long until you’re feeling ready to head back to the gym, court, or pitch, but here are a few guidelines to help keep you safe and comfortable:
- First 24 hours: Rest, rehydrate, and replenish
- After 24 hours: Light exercises only
- After 48 hours: Resume moderate to intense exercise
Listen to your body and consult a healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about exercising after blood plasma donation.
Suggestions for Light Exercise
Once you’ve given your body a day to rest and replenish, here are a few light exercises to consider while you wait to return to your regular exercise routine:
- Walking
- Gentle stretching
- Gentle yoga poses (e.g., Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, and Legs-Up-the-Wall are all gentle, restorative options)
- Stationary bike on low resistance for 10-15 minutes
- Body weight exercises (e.g., seated leg lifts, wall sits, and chair quats)
- Swimming or water aerobics
Starting with these light exercises and gradually increasing intensity as you feel stronger and more comfortable can help you stay active while giving your body the time it needs to recover from a blood plasma or platelet donation.
If you’re ready to donate plasma or platelets, earn extra income, and change lives, schedule an appointment at our blood plasma donation center in Aurora, IL. Your health, safety, and comfort are our top priorities.
Schedule a donation today, earn money, and make a positive impact in your community.
Ready to Get Started?
Are you interested in becoming a plasma and platelet donor? Contact our our plasma donation center in Aurora, IL to schedule an appointment today.